Mouse Alert We caught another one in the kitchen the next night.

We'll probably catch a lot more.

We're open to suggestions for making our apartment less attractive to rodents. Please send them to I'll post the suggestions here.

Meanwhile, if you're having rodent issues of your own, check out's tutorial on trapping mice.

UPDATE: 6 March 98  The mice have gotten lazy. Or maybe they're just getting comfy. Dave watched one saunter across the bedroom last night at quite a casual pace. We set two traps in the bedroom and one in the kitchen, just for good measure. We caught one in the kitchen. All night long I dreamed of mice crawling into bed with me.

This weekend we will take everything out of the bedroom -- furniture and all -- and vacuum and disinfect. Clean out the stuff on the closet floor. Go through the dresser drawers. Not a crevice will go unchecked or uncleaned.

I also plan to buy several mint plants and some mint oil. Several sources have confirmed that mice are repelled by the smell of mint and peppermint.

The cat option looks more and more attractive every night.

Here are some responses I've gotten.

Sit very quietly on the counter for a while until you spot him.
Sneak up on him very slowly.
Grab him with your teeth.
Play with him for a while.
Bat him around with your paw - more fun if he's injured.
When he finally stops moving, eat him.
Leave the bloody skull on the kitchen floor.

That's the way it's done at our house, anyway.

-- From a cat-owning family member.

Get rid of the birds.
-- Anonymous.

Sure, and why don't we just get rid of the mice while we're at it? Duh. Nope.

My grandpa e-mailed me an interesting solution. See what happens when you put two Army engineers on a similar problem.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

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