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Everyone Loves Eating

Last night Dave made us a fantastic dinner: Turkey Shepherd's Pie from the new Weight Watchers cookbook, Everyone Loves Chicken. I know it sounds like a sitcom title, but I bought this book at a WW meeting last week and this is the first recipe we've made from it. I have to say: this recipe is a home run. (Especially when paired with a bottle of Heron pinot noir. mmmm. err... how many points per glass?) The only problem is that we kept nibbling on extra bites out of the pan, and any longtime Weight Watcher knows about the dangers of un-accounted-for BLTs (Bites, Licks, and Tastes). But still, I highly recommend this cookbook to anyone who's looking for 300+ pages of tasty, reasonably healthful poultry recipes. Whether you're counting points or not.

September 21, 2005 8:01 AM


We have begun WW. This is your fault.

I have 19 lbs to lose to get to 10%. Oy. Thirty total would be good to get to then we can reevaluate.

I'll check on the cookbook.

Cool. I'm happy to take the blame.

FYI, I think you can only get the cookbook at WW meetings so far -- I can't find it online anywhere.