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Furniture Curse part... I've lost track, WTF

I don't know why I ever started chronicling our petty problems with furniture delivery, not just because it's so stupidly insignificant in relation to all the other things going on in the world, but also because now I know I jinxed us.

July 24: We order a dining table and 6 chairs from a store I'll call "B&R" just for kicks.

Aug 20: B&R truck arrives with table and 6 chairs. But the table stain is uneven, so they arrange for an exchange and don't deliver anything.

Sept 10: They schedule another delivery for Sept 15.

Sept 14: They call back to cancel; turns out they don't have the new table after all.

Sept 24: They call to schedule delivery on Sept 27.

Sept 26: They call to tell us that there are some issues with the furniture. Do we still want them to make the delivery?

Sept 27: B&R truck arrives. The table is fine. One chair has a broken leg. Two chairs are stained a slightly wrong color. Two other chairs have splatters of stain on them. Thus only one chair is the correct color, free of splatters, and unbroken. We take the five unbroken chairs; the delivery team promises to exchange them for six new, undamaged, clean, correctly-stained chairs at some point in the near future.

We should've gone to IKEA.

September 27, 2005 10:36 PM