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When the lights go down in the city

Sutro Woods

Bushwhacking through Sutro Woods, just a few blocks from our apartment.

Dave and I went for a walk on Sunday afternoon. We traversed the tangled vines and creaking eucalyptus of Sutro Woods, climbed to the top of Tank Hill, then dipped down into Cole Valley. On our way back home, we decided to take a break. We were lying on the sidewalk at the corner of Cole and Alma streets gazing at the late-afternoon sky when our friends Tracy and Scott walked by on their way up the hill.

Four hours, many beers, two pizzas and a pitcher of margaritas later, we found ourselves listening to Journey in our back yard.

Scott and Tracy, sorry you never made it up to Twin Peaks. But you can stop by again any old time.

October 11, 2005 4:08 PM



While a lesser person might have reached coarsely for 'stumbled', 'lurched', 'reeled', 'bumbled' or 'floundered'; you, our dear dear friend, delicately penned;

'walked' by on their way up the hill.

This, when it was but the persistent upward slop of our journey that kept us vertical. You are very kind.

And many thanks for the hospitality; we had a blast with you guys. It was really fun.

I will not, however, thank you for the 'Open Arms' or 'Lights Go Out in the City' demons that have since been rattling unkindly about in my noggin.

The irony here is, on the drive in this morning, we heard a classical rendition of Metallica's 'The Unforgiven.' And this was just the strong stuff needed to banish the incessant melodies of Journey from my head.

Only to return 10 minutes later, as I read the title of this post.

Life can sometimes be a prick.

'ohoh ohohohoh ohoh'

Muaaaah ha ha ha haaaa.

Darn it you guys, I HATE Journey. How am I to get any work done now with those odious melodies rambling thru my brain. You need to put disclaimers on your blog entries. Now just where did I put my headphones??!!

HA! Dan and I were singing this song yesterday afternoon as we made our way over the Bay Bridge. Back to the Ci-TAY.