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Free stuff! for free!

I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question, but do any of you local readers have any use for some lovely blond wood folding bookshelves? a lovingly used but slightly dusty Eureka vacuum cleaner? a large folding grocery cart? sixty pounds of meticulously re-flattened newsprint packing paper? (We'll actually be Freecycling most of this stuff, which is a cool way to get rid of useful things that aren't worth selling.)

Heavenly choral music played in my head yesterday when we finished ORGANIZING THE GARAGE. It brings tears of joy to my eyes to see the extra paper towels and Diet Pepsi neatly stacked on shelves, instead of piled on the bed of a treadmill we got for free in May but had never used until yesterday (because it was covered with stuff). Of course, the amount of junk we still have also brings tears to my eyes. But we're working on it.

November 14, 2005 11:16 AM


you completely forgot to mention that near your meticulously organized shelving is your sharpie on a string...btw, our ceo gave out sharpies to everyone last week in order to better label our DVD projects (for work, of course). i mentioned that the gift would be more valuable if he included string. he looked at me dumbfounded. i tried to explain, but then realized that he's got to see it to believe it.

i am looking for a 90 to 100 galon aquarium