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Meter Eater

Downtown San Francisco must have the most expensive parking meters in the world. When we moved here seven years ago, we were shocked that 25 cents paid for a mere ten minutes of parking time. Then they changed it to a ludicrous 7.5 minutes -- yes, they were metering in 30-second increments. But now that quarter only pays for five minutes. To park for an hour on the street in the financial district now costs $3. That's a lot of quarters. I parked the car downtown at 5:51pm the other day and fed two quarters into the meter so the voracious meter-readers circling nearby wouldn't slap me with a $40 ticket in the nine minutes before metering ended at 6pm.

I'm not really complaining; I rarely drive downtown so it doesn't affect me much. It's just a pain to keep all those quarters in the car. I mean, it must be affecting my gas mileage.

This post is really just an excuse for me to put up a photo that I love. Yes ma'am, two dimes will get you two hours of street parking in New Holland, Pennsylvania.

Unless the prices have gone up drastically since 2002. But my gut says no.

December 2, 2005 11:23 AM


It's been 5 minutes per quarter in downtown Chicago for at least a couple of years. Bastards.

Check out this great project! A much more appropriate use of the "parking" space.
