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Happy new year, with recipes!

We always start the new year with black-eyed peas on January 1. It's a Southern tradition to eat the beans for good luck in the coming year. I was introduced to this by Dave's family, and now every other year or so we test the capacity of our living quarters and invite a bunch of people over to stuff themselves with yummy, starchy, Southern-inspired food.

For dessert this year we held a pie contest. Malinda's crumb-topped apple pie tied for first with Sarah's pear tart scattered with pomegranate seeds. In third place was a brownie pie by our upstairs neighbor Steve. We also got a couple of batches of brownies and cookies and some store-bought pies (which were delicious, but obviously didn't qualify for the contest). There is a lot of dessert around the house today. This is not helping my plans to start losing the weight I've gained in the last 6 months.

Several people asked for recipes so here they are.

Black-eyed pea gumbo (I used vegetable stock to make it vegetarian.)
Black-eyed peas with turkey ham (Dave's family recipe: 1lb BEPs that have been soaked overnight, 1lb chopped ham, a diced onion, dash of cayenne. Cover all ingredients with water in a large pot and cook about an hour until beans are tender. Season with salt & pepper to taste.)
The best macaroni and cheese ever
Beet salad with walnuts and goat cheese
Cornbread muffins using the recipe from the Albers corn meal box, plus a small can of whole corn
Mixed collard, mustard and turnip greens, steamed
Tomato relish from my own super-secret recipe, meaning I can't remember exactly how much of what went in it. Peeled diced tomatoes, shallots, vinegar, sugar, ...?
Iced pumpkin cookies

Want to come next time? Leave me a comment and I'll put you on the list for 2008.

January 2, 2006 12:38 PM

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Three people have emailed me today's New York Times article about macaroni and cheese. I mentioned earlier that we served the Gourmet Cookbook version of mac and cheese at our New Year's Day party on Sunday, and it was for... Read More


Man, you made mac and cheese?!?!? If I'd only have known I would have flown in JUST FOR THAT. Sounds like an excellent affair.

I've done my mother proud! The trick is all in the crust.

Here is the 'secret' recipe for Never Fail Pie Crust. I suggest using a pastry knife, makes the whole process quick and easy. The three simple steps are ordered below.

1) Cut together 1 & 1/4 cup shortening [I use Crisco] and 3 cups flour.
2) Add (cut in with pastry knife) 5 tablespoons water [I use warm water and cut them in one at a time, until I get impatient.]
3) Add (cut in with pastry knife) in 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 beaten egg [beat it in a small bowl before you add it to the mixture] and 2 tablespoons vinegar [Yes, REALLY, use vinegar. Don't get fancy with basalmic vinegar, simple white or cider vinegar is what I use, or some combination.]

This recipe makes three pie crusts. Divide the dough into three equal sized balls when you are done. The crust can be saved by placing the individual balls in small plastic bags and storing them in the freezer. If you do this, give them some time to thaw out before rolling.

One Thanksgiving my sister and I made 5 pies for 6 people! Wouldn't Dave have been in heaven at that party?


thanks again for the yummy food and great company. can't wait to try some of the recipes. What happened to 2007?

2008 because it will take me an extra year to forget how much work it was.