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I wouldn't really call it "spinning"

There's a guy I often see in spin classes at my gym. He wears what looks like a baseball jersey with "BLACKROCK 04" printed on the back -- I suppose that's a Burning Man reference -- and he always has a toothpick hanging out of his mouth. He comes into class 20 minutes late, places a folded towel on the saddle of the bike, hops on, and cranks the resistance way up. He then starts to pedal, but since the resistance on the bike is maxed out, he has to contort his body to get the momentum he needs to turn the pedals. He continues like this, struggling against the pedals and twisting his body around in painful-looking spasms to generate all the force he can muster, for the rest of the class.

Dude. There is a weight room right next door if it's resistance training you want. And you won't have to listen to the annoying aerobics music. I just don't get it.

January 31, 2006 3:58 PM


How could you not lead with a 'Resistance is Futile' headline.

Do not deny your inner geek.

BlackRock '06 Baby!


Scott, harness that creative energy and start a blog! wait...

not to mention, purchasing burning man paraphernalia is sort of antithetical to burning man...