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Thank god for having company

Without occassional houseguests, I'd never clean.

Last night I rushed home from my spin class to scrub the bathroom floor, spot-clean the chocolate stains off the sofa cushions (!!!), vacuum the grime behind said sofa cushions, clean the pile of accumulated junk (and greasy kitchen dust and dead spiders) off the top of the fridge, and do some laundry. Tonight I have to clean my side of the bedroom and do the food shopping. My mom and my grandparents arrive on Thursday to visit for the weekend. They aren't staying with us, but they will be spending a lot of time here.

How on earth did I ever find time to train for 20 hours/week?

February 8, 2006 12:03 PM


... that 5 am alarm!

Hey, I know how THAT is! I'd never get things done if I wasn't pressured to get them done!
How on earth do we manage?