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I am still on my no-workout streak. I haven't gone (wait... counting...) 22 days without working out since I started this whole endurance-sports hobby back in 1999. My cough is mostly gone so I'm past the point where being sick is an excuse.

Some good, and motivating, news is that Dave and I got into Ride the Rockies. Six days, 419 miles of gorgeous mountain roads, and nearly 20,000 feet of climbing at high altitude. Time to get back on the bike!

Will I go to the gym for an easy run tonight or go home and open a bottle of wine? The suspense is killing me.

March 8, 2006 2:13 PM

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It's not a race... it's an event. This morning I rode my bike in a metric century (100k-ish-- 65 miles, please don't do the math) for women and girls only. It's called the Cinderella Classic, and men are not... Read More

» Pear blossoms from Inside Voice

The previous blossoms were from our nectarine tree, which had only a few blossoms. The pear tree is bursting with white fireworks.... Read More


Also, this was my 101st post. Go me.

Hey, congrats on the Rockies thing! *Jealous*

And regarding your options tonight; I find that 'both' can be quite satisfying.


Ok, I'm jealous--I did the 1998 Twin Cities-Chicago AIDS ride with Palotta TeamWorks (who have subsequently folded) and I've been craving a multi-day supported ride recently. I'm hoping that next year I can do the RAGBRAI ( http://www.ragbrai.org/) or something similar. What a splendid ride you'll have through Colorado!

that is a fabulous photo.