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We may be princesses, but we aren't afraid of a little weather

East Bay roads

It's not a race... it's an event. This morning I rode my bike in a metric century (100k-ish-- 65 miles, please don't do the math) for women and girls only. It's called the Cinderella Classic, and men are not allowed except to drive support vehicles, serve food at the rest stops, and generally look pretty while we women do the hard work of riding.

In five years of riding in this event, today was the first time I have gotten rained on. My friend Leishia and I endured scattered downpours and some of the fiercest headwinds I have ever ridden into. Ever. My ride time was nearly an hour slower than last year. And that is all the fault of the headwind; it doesn't have anything to do with my relative lack of fitness compared to last year. Oh, no, not at all. Nope.

OK, OK, it would have been an easier ride if I had trained at all. But since I was sick for over three weeks, and then traveling, I basically trained one week for this 65-mile ride. (I know, a week's worth of cramming in spin workouts and one outdoor ride does not constitute a training plan. I know. I KNOW.) But I did OK, much to my own amazement. Seems like even when you sit on the couch for nearly a month, five years of base training and muscular memory do stick around. Although like I said, I certainly wasn't breaking any speed records.

Even with the rain and wind, it was a gorgeous ride through some suburbs and some rural bits in the East Bay. The normally golden hills are emerald green from the heavy rains we've had this year. I took the above photo while riding. It brings new meaning to the term point and shoot, since I had both eyes on the road when I took it. I promise. Although it was still a stupid thing to do.

Most of all, it was nice to get outside (even in the rain), go beyond our normal bike routes, have the luxury of well-stocked rest stops and clean porta-potties, and share the day with a bunch of like-minded folks. Those folks being women who zip-tie tiaras to their helmets and go out for a nice long ride in the rain.

March 25, 2006 7:48 PM