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Hair dryer challenge

There's a sign up in the women's locker room of my gym. It says that the staff are aware of a "hair dryer challenge" and pleads with members to help out.

Here's the situation: A hair dryer in the locker room lasts less than a week before it disappears or is vandalized. Several hair dryers have had their cords snipped. Yes, cut. With wire cutters or very sharp scissors. There's someone in San Francisco with a hair dryer vendetta. (Actually, in SF that's not really so surprising... sometimes we live up to the stereotype of being a bunch of hot-headed, perhaps misguided activist types, but why take it out on the YMCA?)

Because I have a lot of hair that takes a long time to dry, I bought a super-powered travel hair dryer at Walgreens and put it in my rental locker on Monday. When I returned to the gym on Wednesday and unlocked my locker, the hair dryer was gone. Gone.

Hair dryer challenge. Hrmpph. That place is a hair dryer black hole.

March 16, 2006 9:26 PM


A hair dryer I can understand but someone actually stole my hair BRUSH from the benches outside the showers at one of the Boulder Rec. Centers. I figured if someone was that hard up they were welcome to it though wet tangled hair really sucks.

Good lord! Was that the only thing stolen from the locker? Was your padlock cut?

OK, that's just plain strange.