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I have to mention the battering of the dills.


The Scots have a time-honored custom of deep-frying every possible food that will hold up to boiling oil. Like Snickers bars, oreo cookies, and sausage-encased hard-boiled eggs. It's a tradition that's right up there with tossing the caber and hurling the hammer and going au naturel under one's kilt.

Between last weekend's wedding and the after-party, we stopped into a Scottish pub to continue the gluttony (and celebrate a family birthday). How could I resist the beer-battered pickles on the menu? If that question seems anything but purely hypothetical to you, then you don't know me very well. I. LOVE. PICKLES.

I will protect you from having to see the actual food product unless you want to. You have been warned.

The dill-pickle tempura was really quite good. God bless the Scots.

March 14, 2006 12:42 PM

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Leishia has thoughtfully alerted me to a sports nutrition product that I've never heard of. She suggested that since I love pickles, I might love Golden Pickle Juice, too. To that I say: I love pickes, but I do not... Read More


Mmm, pickles in batter. Mmmm, tempura. I must be hungry, your food pr*n is making my mouth water. The local 'Hooters'-type restaurant offers battered dill sandwich slices (not spears as in your pic), but the one experience I had with them was not so good. Then again, maybe that's because it was a Hooters-like restaurant.

So here's my question -- how does the vinegar from the pickle brine hold up when it's boiled? Does it just make your jaws turn inward (whatever that means)? As someone who also LOVES. PICKLES. I still have trouble figuring out how I'd deal with a rush of warm salt water.

There wa no rush of warm brine. Imagine a pickle that's warm from sitting on a burger. Except covered in greasy batter. yummm.

SarahL, there is just one more food pr*n item to come. I should rename this blog. You'd think food is all I think about. uh...

I want some! If there's something I love more than pickles, it's anything deep fried (I know, I'm disgusting). I'm really curious about the pickles -- do you dip them in anything?

Also, I've crowned you queen of ugly feet on my blog! Congratulations! I think... :)

We dipped 'em in ranch dressing. I am telling myself that these things are healthier than fries, because pickles are (or at one point were) a vegetable, right?

Yeah, I would definitely put pickles at least at neutral, but a potato is definitely not.