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Sea-Coconut Cough Mixture. I hear it's good for coughs.


A co-worker brought me this cough syrup. It is made in Singapore and contains ipecac in addition to several ingredients I've never heard of. I am afraid to take it even though my friend gives it to his 3-year-old. It smells pretty nasty. And what is that, a hand-drawn brain on the box? A pair of furry lungs? Or just a Gorey-esque interpretation of a sea coconut?

While my cold symptoms are long-gone, I still have this nagging cough that is obviously driving my colleagues at work crazy. When I'm on a conference call I hit the mute button before I cough, but if anyone near me is on the same call, I can hear an echo of myself coughing in the background of the call. That is messed up.

And I haven't done anything resembling exercise in over two weeks now.

March 2, 2006 12:31 PM

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Sea coconut is great for getting to sleep with a cough from a cold. I take it to prevent bronchitis when i get sick. You have to be very careful since it has epicac in it. Overdosing will cause upset stomach or vomiting. Do not take more than the recommended dose. For me it doesn't matter whether i take it on empty stomach or not. Best of Health- m