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My nutty husband

Dave ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich yesterday for the first time IN HIS LIFE. He grew up eating plain pb sandwiches with no j. (Or honey, or bananas, or anything else.) Does anyone else find that, well, sort of un-American?

April 5, 2006 2:34 PM


Forget un-American -- I'd skip straight to some sort of felony offense.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit I've never had a PB&J either and also grew up with straight PB sandwiches. And actually, I'm not really a fan of J, which in itself is probably punishable by a hefty fine or jail time.

I always thought he was secretly Amish and now I see it must be true--jelly is simply too worldly a sandwich topping for a rural Pennsylvanian like Dave.

Hey, that's 'Brother Dave' to you.

I too find this very disturbing.

the missing piece of data here is did he like the addition of j?