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Beer to Breakers

Yesterday we watched Bay to Breakers for a few hours in the morning. For the unfamiliar, B2B is an annual tradition in San Francisco. It's a 12k running race in which about 10% of the 60,000+ participants are actually running and the remaining 90% are traipsing around in costume, pushing human-powered floats, drinking beer, running naked, running the course in reverse, drinking beer, pushing shopping carts containing kegs, smoking, drinking beer, or any combination of the above. (Tons of photos here.)

I've walked and run B2B a few times, but never watched the whole thing from the rabbits up front to the drunks at the end. And I have to say, while it was mostly hilarious, the very end was pretty disgusting. Don't misunderstand, I have no problem with a giant roving party involving large quantities of alcohol early on a Sunday morning. But I went for a short run toward the finish line and was horrified at how our beautiful park was trashed -- beer cans, pieces of costumes, and litter everywhere. Water cups and gu wrappers, I can understand, but the garbage-strewn street had that nasty, nasty beer-on-asphalt smell. No respect. Call me a grumpy old woman.

After my run I did a few too many push-ups and I am sore today. But that's OK, because it will only make my microphone-wielding muscles stronger. I did karaoke for the first time on the cruise we took last week, and apparently I am a microphone hog.

May 22, 2006 2:50 PM