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Biking, biking, biking, plus some mad running

What a nice weekend! I rode my bike a total of 165 miles over the last three days, with rides of 81, 46 and 38 miles. Plus a 3300yd swim and a short run for good measure. The 81-miler was plagued by beastly wind. As in, 30mph headwinds on the hardest, most exposed climb of the ride. (Marshall Wall for those who know the area. It's called the Wall for a reason.) uhhggggghhhh. But the two shorter rides were perfectly beautiful, and I find myself... strangely enough... wanting to get back on my bike again tomorrow. Weird!

Super big congratulations to everyone who ran the Mad City Marathon this weekend in punishing conditions. Especially to Heather, who finished her first marathon and did an awesome job despite the crushing heat. It was so hot that the organizers closed the course 1.5 hours early. Yikes.

May 29, 2006 6:01 PM


Thank you! I only hope this means your Ironman Wisconsin participants are DUE for some decent weather. Honestly, after IM last year and then Sunday, Madison marathoners have had enough! ;)