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Thank you, Dave, for not letting me spend the entire day inside


My knee hurts. Pretty badly. At the end of a spectacular 60-mile bike ride on Saturday, I got off the bike to realize that I was limping. So I decided against running or biking on Sunday, and stayed home despite gorgeous weather to do some cleaning. (I also baked some really good molasses-rye bread. mmmmm.) It was not a decision that made me happy, but I think it was the right thing to do.

Near the end of the day Dave convinced me to go for a little urban hike near our home. After cutting through the nearby woods on several unofficial trails, we found ourselves emerging from the eucalyptus trees into a clearing. We had discovered a lovely park that we never knew existed. It's up the (extremely steep) hill from the UCSF Medical Center. It's less than half a mile, as the crow flies, from home.

On this map it looks like just a bare patch of dirt, but right now it's a beautiful sunny meadow brimming with poppies and other wildflowers.

May 1, 2006 2:59 PM