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When Gatorade Endurance isn't enough

Leishia has thoughtfully alerted me to a sports nutrition product that I've never heard of. She suggested that since I love pickles, I might love Golden Pickle Juice, too.

To that I say: I love pickles, but I do not love PICKLE JUICE. And also: Gross. Does that glimmering yellow liquid not look a lot like pee in a bottle? Is it just me, or does the product name sound like the title of an adult film?

And do people actually drink this stuff? I've drunk room-temperature chicken broth on a hot day for its salt. But chicken broth isn't that salty. I'm pretty sure bottled pickle juice would make me puke. Putting liquid that's salty and acidic enough to preserve a cucumber into a stomach that's already under serious stress doesn't strike me as a great idea.

However, I would kinda enjoy wearing a t-shirt with "BIG DILL" printed on the back.

May 12, 2006 2:30 PM


I just had a very scary flashback -- my freshman year college roommate drank pickle juice. I had managed to suppress that memory for many many years.

... but this did make me go and reach for the jar of pickles in the fridge...