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Happy birthday to me

Yes, today is MY birthday, the 31st anniversary of my arrival into this world. You may all commence celebrations now. I am off to go kayaking and maybe to slurp some oysters fresh out of Tomales Bay.

Here's a birthday story for you. When my mom was wheeled out of the hospital holding brand-new little peach-fuzz-redheaded me swaddled up tight, my then-two-and-a-half-year-old sister approached us and exclaimed, "Isn't he cute!" For the record, I was, and still am, female.

Before you pop open the champagne, as a special birthday favor to me, please post a comment below to say hello, whether you're a lurker or a frequent chimer-inner. I'd appreciate it.

June 12, 2006 7:59 AM


Happy Birthday! Hope you have a nice Tomales trip. By the way, the black & white cookie was fantastic post-race recovery food. Thank you!

Have a great birthday! See you soon!

Happy Birthday Ariel!

happy birthday, enjoy the kayaking!

Happy Birthday!! And have a great day!!

Kayaking! That sounds so nice. Enjoy.
... and put on lots of sunblock.

Happy birthday!

I trust the two of you will get properly snockered on stout tonight; Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! Have some cake for me. Wish I was out kayaking instead of in cubeland-enjoy the day!

Happy Birthday! (David is a lurker, Amanda's b/f and photographer from the 2002 Lakefront Marathon)

Hah, wound my way here from a Google search on how to teach a kid to use his inside voice, then read your plea to leave a comment, and I know how I hate it when I have a million hits and no comments on my site, plus it was your birthday, plus this is a really long run-on sentence. So, hope you had a good one yesterday! And also, that made no sense. *sigh*

-end random person commenting-

Happy birthyesterday!

Well, as usual I'm late to the party, but I'm a professional scientist and that's how we work. Time? Never heard of it. Happy Birthday Ariel!

Happy Belated Birthday!

We Gemini's are awesome!

Happy belated birthday, and best wishes for a great Ride the Rockies week!

Oh, another belated birthday greeting! From one gemini to the other...

I haven't lurked before, but I found my way here through a comment left for HChamp. Love your blog, your photos, and all your racing & training stories! I will definitely be back...

happy birthday - glad you loved kayaking in Bodega bay - those seagrass thingy's are just the sorts of biomass that my geeky self used to work with/in/around in my former sciency-geeky life :) paddle on...