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Paddling on glass


This photo looks very lonely to me, but the three hours Dave and I spent kayaking on Bodega Bay on Monday were not lonely at all. It was quiet and peaceful, and we had the company of several curious animals.

We had a wonderful time gliding over the smooth water. It felt like we had the bay entirely to ourselves, except for maybe one or two fishing boats.

Kayaking companion

The only thing that would have made it better would have been my waterproof camera. I would have loved to dip it into the water to take photos of the swaying sea grass and the starfish on the jetty rocks. Or maybe to see what our kayaks look like from below. My heart longs to get my hands back on that camera. I hope it comes back soon.

In fact, I only took out the camera to take these few pictures after the fog had risen off the water, so the only images of our mystical, horizonless start are in my head.

Marine mammal

June 13, 2006 8:41 PM