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The Pelican Inn

Pelican Inn

For my birthday Dave treated me to a night at the Pelican Inn. The Pelican is a wonderful old Tudor B&B north of San Francisco in Muir Beach. In my opinion, it's one of the most magical spots in California, where the golden-green slopes of Mt. Tam meet the crashing waves of the Pacific. Legend has it that Sir Francis Drake's ship the Pelican once landed on the beach here.

We've enjoyed brunch, dinner, and post-hike pints at the Pelican's candlelit restaurant and cozy pub many times. But we had never stayed the night. We slept in a canopy bed under a portrait of Elizabeth I (another awesome redhead). Waking up to the sounds of waves crashing on the distant beach, horses cavorting and birds singing was a most pleasant way to start the week. We were treated to traditional English breakfast in the heated conservatory before we had to head back to the city to go to work. My only complaint was that I couldn't taste anything thanks to the cold that has taken over my respiratory system. I guess you can't have everything.

Ride the Rockies starts on Sunday and I'm really reallllly hoping that I am back to 100% cardio capacity by then. Especially since the first day of riding starts above 6,000 feet, where there is considerably less oxygen than we have here at sea level. This cold is waning, and I can taste and smell and breathe through my nose again, but I am coughing up some nasty stuff. I haven't worked out since my race on Sunday. I'll be, uh, very well rested for the 6-day ride.

June 16, 2006 11:37 AM