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A week of Ironman training. In case you're curious.

New iron woman sculpture on the SF waterfront. (Click for more info.) This is often how I feel when I emerge from the Bay after a long, cold swim. Rusty.

Monday: 2,500m swim/50 minutes. Post-race recovery day. Skipped weights.
Tuesday: 8.9mi run/1:30. Supposed to do tempo pace, but I'm still recovering. Moved today's swim to Thursday to accommodate L'Alpe d'Huez viewing party.
Wednesday: 30mi ride/2:15.
Thursday: 3,500m swim/1:20. 1:15 bike trainer intervals + 4.5mi run/45 minutes.
Friday: 4,000m swim/1:30. Weights.
Saturday: 100mi ride 67mi ride, 4:40. 50-minute brick run Bailed on run due to heat stress. When I made it back to the car alive at the end of the ride, I kissed its dented taupe backside.
Sunday: 14mi run/2:20. 13mi ride/60 min.

Total distance: 10,000m swim/110mi bike (plus 75 min trainer)/27.4mi run.
Total time: 17:25.
Total calories burned: 11,200ish.

July 24, 2006 4:47 PM


Wow! I think I've burned that many calories in the last 3 months. I love that sculpture. And are th Clif shots hot, or just body temperature? I like mine warm. I have a hard time getting them down when they're cold.