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"Being outdoors, being fast, being fit, but most importantly, being free."

I didn't say much about Ride the Rockies in my photo entry a couple of weeks ago. I have had a hard time knowing what to say. I still don't, really.

We had a wonderful five days of hot, sweaty, beautiful riding. There is something to be said for just getting on your bike and riding. And not thinking about work, or watching the clock, or wondering where the next public restroom will be. Just riding. We spent the week with a great group of folks, friends of my friend Leishia, who organized the trip for us.

At the end of day five, tragedy struck the ride, and our group. Just a few miles from the day's finish, a cyclist died in an accident with an RV. The cyclist was Leishia's mom, Diane. She had been participating in Ride the Rockies for years even after enduring multiple knee and hip replacements due to rheumatoid arthritis.

I only met Diane at the beginning of that week, but I know that she loved, loved, loved to ride. Earlier in the week, I passed her as we climbed a hill, and she said to me, "Ariel, don't ever get old." I told her, "I hope I'm doing what you're doing now in 30 years." I hope I'm still riding in ten years. I can see a lot of her spirit and passion in Leishia. I can see where Leishia got her extreme competitiveness, and her generosity.

Leishia and her family received a thoughtful letter of condolence from someone Diane had greatly admired. Someone who knows a lot about cycling. Read it here.

July 21, 2006 11:56 AM