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I'm a salty treat

New York Cheddar

I am Bold, Grown-up Cheese.

I'm a bold, big-city person. Museums, theater, fine dining and cool shops... I can even appreciate performance art. I've got grown-up tastes but I'm not stuffy or stiff. I know how to have fun and I'm just as comfortable at a white linen-laid table as I am at the hot dog cart. I've got style. An individualist who isn't afraid to show my true colors or to stand out in a crowd.

What flavor are you?

I do like hot dogs. There's a hot dog cart about a mile from home, in Golden Gate Park, where I once stopped for a salt-crusted giant pretzel at the end of a 100-mile bike ride. (salt. mmmm.) Dave told me that he ate a chicken sausage there at the end of his 85-miler on Sunday.

Funny that someone sent me this today, because my stomach has been growling all morning. My training partner Marissa and I rode about 28 miles before work, and one thing we discussed is how hungry we both are now, pretty much all the time.

But... I don't think of cheddar as being particularly bold or grown-up. How about a nice gorgonzola?

July 12, 2006 11:24 AM


I am Good Taste with Initiative

I am revved up, man, I got get-up-and-go. I go after what you want with determination. But not at the expense of others. I'm compassionate and kind, balancing my drive and making me a natural leader. I'm willing to go to great lengths to achieve my dreams and I'm not afraid to keep on trying until I get it just right.

I am the Yin Yang of Spice

Ah, grasshopper, how little my friends understand me sometimes. I perceive the inherent duality of the world -- good/bad, light/dark, up/down, salty/peppery -- but am not fooled into taking sides. I am justice and balance personified. I know how to live with contradictions and have a love of paradox. My friends like me for my ability to expound on the "is" of "is-ness." I know that life is about being here now.

I am Simple, Salt-Kissed Perfection

I carry myself with sense of ease, poise and concentration. Relaxed and natural, yet focused and intense, I'm the one who makes "doing" look effortless. I love the simple perfections and appreciate the impermanence of beauty -- the cherry blossoms strewn across the path of life. I'm sophisticated, yet down to earth. I'm the sweet feeling of sitting on a porch in summertime. My friends can't wait for me to come over and bring a taste of the good life with me.

"I am Simple, Salt-Kissed Perfection"

How appropriate for a Bay swimmer and floating-home dweller.

I was Herbs w/ Inititative and hence rather disapointed, since I don't like dill at all.

I'm Herbs with Initiative, too. Honestly, I think it lied.