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Garbage In, Garbage Out


Not exactly healing foods. Except for the ketchup. Ketchup is definitely a healing food.

Thanks to Jennifer for the GIGO reminder. I should really be eating better. I haven't worked out for two days, so what do I do? Eat the worst food on the planet. Dave got free Giants tickets, and I couldn't say no to a disgusting ballpark hot dog.

Dave: That photo doesn't really do justice to the size of my... my...
Ariel: Your giant weiner?

It was Irish Heritage Night at the Pac Bell Park. And what Irish heritage event would be complete without a Blood Sausage Eating Contest? Actually, even the three contestants seemed a little put off by the meat products laid before them.

Blood Sausage Eating Contest

The ballpark music people really went to town with the Irish-ish musical selections. It was weird to hear the Pogues blasting through the stadium. The snippet of the Chieftains also seemed out of place. On the other hand, songs by U2 and those famously Irish-American one-hit wonders House of Pain were no surprise. I'm pretty sure I hear "Jump Around" at least once every time I go to a game.

Blech. I still feel gross from that hot dog. I've really gotta eat better, especially since I am Extremely Tapering. It's the least I can do.

August 22, 2006 11:05 PM


What? No garlic fries?

At first I thought that was the top of a garbarge can, then I realized it your hotdog. Wait a minute, maybe they aren't so different...I guess I can't be too critical. I'm going to a ball game today and CAN'T leave the park without onion rings....
How's the tape going?

oh my. i'm actually kinda hungry now, but since it's 8pm i was hoping to not be tempted to eat before going to bed. your giant weiner might just be throwing me over the edge...well maybe i was already there w/ the 1/2 bottle of cartlidge & browne 2005 pinot noir...? i suppose that's a rhetorical question...