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Spare rib, anyone?

I've mentioned that I'm not a morning person. Last night Dave told me that every time I get up early for a workout, he is surprised and amazed. Every single time. So he must have been even more astonished this morning, when I got up at 5am even though my alarm never went off. I had intended to set it for 4:45, but set it for 5:45 instead. (Duh. Hop Kiln zin, I blame you.) I got to the gym a little late, but I got in my 2-hour spin/run workout and even had time to pick up a bagel on the way into the office. (Pats self on back.) I'm ready for my nap now.

The muscle soreness from my bike crash has gone away completely, but I'm pretty sure I cracked, bruised, or otherwise insulted a rib or two. I feel very low-grade pain every time I inhale deeply. It doesn't limit my activity, but it's annoying. If it gets worse, I'll go see a doctor, who will probably just confirm my suspicions and tell me there's nothing I can do but let it heal. Which is hard to do when you inhale every six seconds or so.

Thanks for bearing with me, folks. IM Wisconsin is in three and a half weeks, after which I presume I'll have other things to talk about. I hope.

August 17, 2006 10:43 AM


We're glad you're feeling better!

I love Hop Kiln Zin; we just opened thebottle we picked up from our visit last month.


Oh no, if you are not a morning person, what does that make me. But yeah! for you for getting it done.