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My head is about to explode, but I'm otherwise OK, thanks.


Yup. Here I am, having a complete freak-out about my race. (Anyone who thought I was freaking out before, that was just the warmup. The true nervous wreckage has begun.) My head hurts, I've been sleeping horribly, I feel a little sick, and I haven't even begun packing. We are leaving for Madison in less than 24 hours. I've done this before -- TWICE -- yet still I can come up with new and different things to panic about. Oy.

Marissa and I had a little potluck send-off party for ourselves on Monday night. Our friend Maisie, who is known for fabulous pastries and who made a beautiful ironman cake last year, sculpted a giant M-dot rice krispy treat. But then Leishia pulled out all the stops and made a truly inspired cake resembling a wedge of Wisconsin cheese, complete with a pair of sugar-cookie mice with our race numbers and eye colors. I was floored.

I think my friends are a bit competitive. And they are also awesome. Can't you feel the love that went into these creations?


If anyone is wondering, my ribcage still hurts. I think I've gotten used to the pain.

I'm such a procrastinator. I can't believe I still have to pack. At least my bike is already on its way. I dropped it off at the big truck last week (which was another panic-inducing experience itself -- oy). I think I'm actually in denial. What, the plane leaves tomorrow morning? NOT LISTENING la la la la la laaaaaaaa la la LALALALA

September 6, 2006 1:29 PM


I just wanted to wish you good luck...and happy feet!

Listen to your theme song as you pack - it worked wonders for me.


Good Luck! Have a great race, have fun, and don't forget to lift your arms high at the finish!

Darn, I think I'm too late but I'll wish you tons of luck anyway.

I'm following your race -- you're doing great! Nice swim!