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My Real Age, in miles

I fell for one of those "Find out your RealAge™" banner ads. I was curious. I gave them a fake email address.


My supposed real age happens to be the same number of miles in a marathon: 26.2. (The -5.1 years is mostly due to eating veggies and getting loads of exercise -- and I didn't even use the numbers from peak ironman training.) I think this is life telling me something. Time to run another marathon!

September 22, 2006 9:56 AM


I ended up being 34.2. I think I got dinged for having Asthma and the numbers did not go low enough for me to acurately record my resting pulse.

Dammit! Every time I take one of those "Find Your Real Age" tests, I learn I should already be dead.

Well, here's to your long life, Ariel!

You know, you may be a few days younger than me, but as Jonas says, those tests usually ironically reveal that I should be dead. Or at least institutionalized. =)