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Something I bought at the expo, and something I could never buy

UW Tri

My training partners will instantly recognize this design as the Ironwoman logo. A couple of my friends have this exact design tattooed on their ankles (minus the UW Tri part, obviously). It's the Ironman logo with the M flipped over into a W. Simple and brilliant, if you ask me. Marissa and I were thrilled when we discovered the University of Wisconsin Triathlon Team table at the IM Wisconsin expo. Their stuff was both cooler and less expensive than the official stuff.

Speaking of Ws and dots, during the long, wet run, I was wearing this wristband, which was knitted just for this race by my wonderful friend (and fellow ironwoman) Julie.

Ironwoman wristband

It served its purpose by deflecting negativity of all sorts. It's not quite as fresh as the day she gave it to me -- it has, after all, been through one rainy marathon and two cycles in the washing machine.

On a completely unrelated topic, I have a few Vox invites. If you really want one, let me know.

September 20, 2006 7:30 PM