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I know you don't care what I had for lunch

But since a couple of people have asked, here's what I did during my first official day of unemployment:

  1. drove Dave to work*
  2. went shopping at Bed Bath & Beyond**, Trader Joe's, and Rainbow Grocery
  3. went for a run (one hour)
  4. cleaned bathroom thoroughly
  5. showered
  6. made lunch (leftover mustard pork loin/tomato/arugula sandwich on rosemary bread - YUM!)
  7. started making dinner (mushroom-shallot quiche, butternut squash soup)
  8. got a pedicure
  9. finishing making dinner
  10. enjoyed dinner with Sara***, Dave, and a bottle of fine pinot I received as a parting gift from a coworker
  11. washed dishes
  12. sat down at computer to pay bills and do this

My number one goal for the day was to get the pedicure. So, mission accomplished. Plus a bunch of other stuff. But tomorrow I think I'll try to go somewhere outside my well-beaten path.

* This was almost like driving myself to work, as Dave's office is just a few blocks from my old gig. Well, sorta. OK, not really.

** I was the first customer to walk in after they unlocked the doors at 8:59am. The staff was just wrapping up their morning meeting and they broke into applause and cheers as I walked in. I waved graciously as though they were clapping for me, but sadly, having been in this position before at 8:59 on another weekday morning, I knew that they do this every morning and that's just the way they end their meeting. A cheerful bunch, they are. And by the way, I was there to buy a $4 whiteboard for the fridge for the purpose of planning dinners ahead of time. Although I did linger for a while near the $80 KitchenAid ice cream maker attachment.

*** Sara moved back to the Bay Area about a year ago, but before that she lived in New York. In the last few years, Dave traveled to NY frequently for work, and he went out with Sara a lot. I joked that he had a NY girlfriend. She came over tonight not for primarily dinner but rather because she and Dave had a date to go to a show I didn't really want to see. Just like old times.

October 16, 2006 11:43 PM


Good to know that you're so productive! want to go for a run today? I was wondering what you're up to now that you're unemployed... enjoy it!

How did I miss the new pedicure??

Mmmmm. Did I hear someone mention lunch?