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Last Day

I've been cleaning up here, and I just checked the office fridge to make sure I didn't leave anything in there. People leaving stuff in the fridge to rot for months is a pet peeve of mine. I found an unopened pint of cottage cheese in the back with my name on it. The expiration date was November 29. Ah great, I thought, I could use a snack. I took one bite and realized that it must have been November 29 of last year.

"When one door closes, another opens;" -- I have heard this quote many times in the last week. But the oft-forgotten second half, I think, is the most important part:

"...but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”

In just a little while I'm out of here. I'm a little sad and a little bewildered that I'm actually leaving after 7.97 years. It'll all be good. I did choose this course; I closed the door myself. But it's still bittersweet to say goodbye.


October 13, 2006 1:23 PM


Good Luck Ariel!