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Missing, not missing

Things my colleagues at the old job will miss:

  • My bottle of Advil and my dental floss.
  • My dry wit.
  • My weekend warrior stories. (Typical Monday morning questions: "Ariel, did you run any marathons this weekend?" "Ariel, did you crash your bike this weekend?")

Things my colleagues put dibs on within five minutes of me announcing my impending departure:

  • My flat-panel monitor.
  • My pencil sharpener.
  • My small collection of model commercial airplanes, which I inherited from someone who left before me, who inherited it from someone else.

No one has claimed:

  • My teetering tower of approximately 150 java jackets, which for some reason I am unable to throw away.

Things I will not miss about this place:

  • Ducking from flying nerf footballs.
  • The constant discussion about getting A's tickets.
  • Having restaurants that serve giant burritos, take-out Indian food, and sinful mac 'n' cheese all within half a block. It's just too much temptation.

Things I will miss:

  • The Fruit Guys delivery every Monday. When else am I going to eat a kiwi?
  • The people. My people.
  • Working from home on Wednesdays.
  • The guy on the right:


October 11, 2006 9:43 PM


oh ariel - i'm sad for you already! today's the last day!!! wow - are you coming to the Y to say goodbye???