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More off season

Culann's Hounds

Other things I can do now that generally don't happen while training for an Ironman:

  • Go see Culann's Hounds play at the Plough and Stars until well after midnight. They are awesome. AWESOME!
  • Sleep until 8:04am every day.
  • Plan to go out for drinks on a Thursday night knowing that I don't have to swim 4000m at 6:30 the next morning.
  • OK, I have not had brunch yet, but the possibility makes me giddy.
  • Volunteer at other races.
  • Work out every other day instead of 1.5 times per day (on average).
  • Sit around and pine for my IM training days. Rest on my laurels.

October 3, 2006 1:15 PM



I'm really a one-trick pony. Or is it that I have a one-track mind?

In your case, resting on laurels must be rather pleasant. That's quite a pile of laurels you've accumulated.