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Basement beastie

potato bug

I discovered this critter cowering in the corner of my laundry sink the other day. We used to call these potato bugs, but I have learned that they are not bugs and they do not hunt potatoes. The jerusalem cricket (technically not a true cricket either) eats rotting stuff and drums its abdomen against the ground to attract mates. Sexy!

Sara, you still feel like reaching for a bag of crunchy snacks?

The much smaller critters that have invaded my respiratory system are still wreaking havoc. I am still sick, still feel like blah, and am possibly entering the realm of sinus infection. Uggggh.

November 9, 2006 11:03 AM


Jess I love that you comment on everything. I second that - but wait, I (heart) bugs! yay for bugs that eat rotting stuff - someone's gotta do it.. :)

Oh no, sinus infections are the worst. Hope you're feeling better soon and that it's NOT a sinus infection taking hold.

As for the bug, I always referred to rolly pollies as potato bugs. Don't know what they're technically called but they roll into a ball when you touch them and they're truly gross, as is that cricket. Though not as gross as crickets that have been eaten, partially digested then puked up by a cat, and I speak from personal experience.

Did somebody say crunchy snacks???

whoa, THAT THING is not what we call a "potato bug" in these parts. THAT THING looks as though it is from outer space. I'm usually not weary when it comes to bugs... but if I EVER saw that in my home, I think I would loose my shi.. stuff.

Well that's an icky little creature!!! I found you off Suzanne's blog: http://www.cussandotherrants.com/

I enjoyed visiting. Cheers.

my first encounter with a jerusalem cricket was when i was gardening with a housemate in santa cruz. i was digging with my hands (because we were too cheap to buy a shovel. hey, i made $6.75 an hour and i was a college grad!) when i dug up one of these guys. holy crap!! umm, needless to say, i screamed like a leetle girl. i don't need to be grabbing these things with my bare hands ever again, thank you very much.