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Cheese crunchies

Cheese crunchies

It all started Tuesday. No, it all started Sunday. I was winding up a trip to visit family down in Southern California. I wanted to hit the road early Sunday morning, but my car had a flat tire. So I waited until the Firestone tire shop opened at 9am, got the tire repaired ($25), and was on my way.

I drove 410 miles on that tire. On Monday it was flat again.

On Tuesday I took the car in to re-repair ($0, because there was no way I was paying again) or replace ($60) the tire. But when the guys at the Firestone shop here in SF took it off, they noticed that one of the lugs was about to break ($70). Also, the axle boot thingamajig on that side was broken and would soon become a safety issue ($150 for new axle, $150 labor). I authorized the repair over the phone. I had walked down the street for breakfast ($6), since the initial work was only supposed to take an hour or two. When I got back to the tire shop, they told me it would be another three hours at least, but that it would be done that night. I took a bus home ($0 with monthly pass).

At 5pm they called because a drive shaft bearing somethingorother was stuck and just wouldn't come out. They wouldn't have it done that night. Wednesday morning for sure.

Wednesday morning I waited around for them to call. I had errands to run and shopping to do. Around 1pm they finally called; the car was ready. I took a bus there and picked up the car ($496 -- ouch). Within one block of leaving the shop I noticed deep rattling noises. Noises that made me wonder if catastrophe would strike the next time I hit a pothole or took a tight turn. In my car-unsavvy imagination, I thought that maybe they had forgotten to put the lug nuts back on, and the wheel was just waiting to pop off like a loose tinker toy.

I drove straight back to the tire shop, where they decided to replace the part they had just replaced. Again. It would take at least another three hours. I groaned and rolled my eyes and gnashed my teeth.

I walked to the nearby Trader Joe's and did my grocery shopping ($77). My debit card was declined for no apparent reason. Sigh.

I didn't have to wait long for a bus home -- finally, I thought, I am getting a break today! I was two-thirds of the way home when I realized that my house keys were still in the car. Which was still at the tire shop.

I got off the bus and hailed a cab ($17). I had the driver take me (and my groceries) back to the tire shop, where I retrieved my house keys, and then home.

Which brings me to cheese crunchies. I grabbed a bag of these ($2) while waiting in line, hungry and pissed, at Trader Joe's. Someone please take them away before I polish off the whole damn bag.

November 2, 2006 11:16 AM


OMG!!! And here I was wondering how you were spending your last 'free' week... I am so sorry. I have always sworn that tire/car repair places are actual portals to hell. Now you know it's true. Have a *better* day today (in the rain..sigh)

I love the puffy kind and have been known to eat an entire bag (the large family style size) in a weekend. Happy to take them off your hands. Sorry to hear about the car.

Yesterday, your post made me never want to eat again.

Today, your post made me go out and buy some cheesy goodness.

Ahhhh the power of good photography.

By the way, you all are amatures. I've been known to eat an entire bag on the way home from Trader Joe's.

Sounds like a rough day. :( Good thing you had those cheesy yummies!

Absolutely gorgeous.
Viva cheese dust.

Mmm...if you want, you can box them up and send them here.

since we're on the topic of cheesy goodness...have you ever tried Barbara's Jalepeno Cheesey Poofs?!? HEAVEN

ok. they're really called cheese puffs, but cheesey poofs just sounds good.

btw, i've eaten whole bags of those multiple times before even making it in my front door. biggest confession? once i shared a bag w/ a friend while playing backgammon in my santa cruz garden & simultaneously sipping on jaegermeister....don't knock it till you try it!!

Man, I really can't wait until the Cheese Crunchies cycle off your front page. Every time I come here it makes me reach for something salty and crunchy.

And Julie, I've learned from a few of the things that I end up eating (cheddar & hot chocolate, anyone?), sometimes weird and random things actually go great together.