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Cold, cold, go away

Early morning

I have been sick four times this year. The first time was over a weekend in January, while my mom was visiting. We went to see Beach Blanket Babylon and my nose-blowing generated a pile of soggy kleenex and cocktail napkins to rival the size of the show's famous hats. For nearly a month in February and March I was housebound with a horrible cold, and I went the longest I have gone without exercising in six years. (I did, on the other hand, get to watch most of the winter Olympics.) Then I had another rhinoviral attack in June, the consequences of which were that my weeklong cycling trip in Colorado was accompanied by frequent rib-splitting coughing fits.

And now, in November, I am sick with another cold. I am a healthy person! I exercise and I eat well and I wash my hands as neurotically as a surgeon with OCD! Why do I keep catching colds?

I often blame public transit, but I haven't been subjected to a twice-daily dose of bus or train germs in three weeks. Hey, waitaminute -- I did ride the 43 bus way too many times in the process of getting my car fixed. Hmm.

At any rate, I'm sick of it. Sick of blowing my nose, sick of not being able to taste or smell, sick of wishing I were asleep but not being able to sleep because I can't breathe through my nose. When I woke up this morning -- er, opened my eyes, since I was never really asleep -- Dave commented on the huge pile of kleenex on the floor next to the bed. I suppose I should be grateful that I'm generally healthy; it is just a little virus. But it still sucks.

November 5, 2006 8:24 AM


I read somewhere that 50-75% of all people catch colds within two weeks of starting a new job. Stress (either good or bad) has an immense effect on the body and its immune system.

You're just being normal, Ariel. Now get better soon!