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Cranberry-apple tart with extra bike lube


This was my contribution to our friends' Thanksgiving feast yesterday. Pictured before it went into the oven, of course, because it was prettier before the contents bubbled out all over the crust.

Making this tart, I cooked with shortening for the first time ever. I am a prolific baker, but I've always avoided shortening and made sub-par pie crusts using butter. There is just no way to make a great, flaky pie crust with only butter.

So I finally caved, trans fats be damned, and bought some Crisco Sticks. The stuff looks like something I squirt out of a tube and use on my bike. It definitely does not look like food. Even more disturbing is the warning on the package: "Not intended for use as a spread." Um, yeah, and my Pedro's Syn Grease goes better on my bike pedal threads than on whole-wheat toast.

November 24, 2006 4:54 PM


yeah but the crust turned out really, really yummy. didn't it? stupid transfat.