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Cross in the park

Cyclocross in the Park

It was a nice day in the park for a cyclocross race. My friends Marissa and Brian both raced today in the Bay Area Super Prestige Series. It was Marissa's first cross race!

Marissa's first cross race!

She kicked ass, even riding a too-small borrowed mountain bike. Several of us have decided that we want to add cyclocross bikes to our stables. They combine the best aspects of a road bike and a mountain bike into a fast, fun-looking ride. (Yes, I know, I can't even be bothered to ride the bikes I have, I don't need another bike. But! Fun!)

Dave convinced me to ride my bike to the race instead of walking the three miles. It was the first time I've ridden my road bike (gasp!) since Ironman Wisconsin. Which was ten weeks ago, my friends.

I have actually ridden my other bike since then -- once. At the Sentinel Triathlon. I have become a slacker. Or, more precisely, a non-cyclist.

There was also a cross-country regional championship going on at a nearby field:

Cross-country race in the park

It was a good day for racing. And even better for watching!

November 19, 2006 8:42 PM


thanks for posting the picture! I had so much fun - I'm totally mad for cross - I love a new challenge. thanks for the fun today - and having us over to eat! yum cookies!!! maybe an ez ride later in the week? see you at the Y?