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Election night

Alix's Election Night Party

My sister did not win. The incumbent she was trying to unseat prevailed. But as my dad says, even Abraham Lincoln lost his first election.

I personally have very little interest in local politics. My sister inherited the gene from my mom, who has been active in local politics in our Southern California home town for decades, including stints on the city council and as mayor. My mom can make a room full of strangers think they're her best friends, and she can explain bond issues so clearly that a third-grader could understand. These are not skills I will ever have, but my sister is on her way.

Seeing my sister work the room at her election-night party was weird and enlightening to me. This was not the Alix I know. She was totally in her element. She was aglow. And when she got up to speak to the crowd, everyone could tell that she had loved every stressful minute of the campaign. She vowed to run again in four years. She made us all very proud.

She has found her calling, and she's very lucky about that.

November 8, 2006 11:38 AM


Is your cold gone yet? Hope you're feeling better soon.

wow, your sister is an inspiration! i wish i had the courage to run for local politics. i would love it as well, but it's just darn scary.

(found your blog via NaBloPoMo Randomizer!)