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Not a lot of holiday cheer to go around

Possibly the most depressing Xmas decorations ever

Today you get forlorn Christmas decorations because I am feeling kind of blah. Is it just me, or does anyone else find this giant glittery bow to be really depressing? And, of course, way premature? It's from a mall parking lot. Big surprise.

The engine light on our car blinked on today. You may recall that we just spent $500 on various wheel-related repairs. Groan.

And I am hungover. Triathletes can party, man. After the cafe hosting our club's year-end party kicked us out at 10pm, we moved the festivities to someone's apartment. I didn't get home until after 1am. I am too old for this behavior. Still feeling a little icky.

On the bright side, at the award ceremony, our triathlon club coordinator presented me with the Early Bird Award. Which is hilarious. The description reads "Because I have heard even though you can't form a sentence or dress yourself before 8am, you are the most dedicated early morning training partner EVER!" My ironman partner in crime Marissa had something to do with this award.

I am going to watch Marissa race in a cyclocross event tomorrow. I'm thanking my lucky stars, though, that her race isn't until 2pm. If it were at, say, 8am, I don't know if I'd be a dedicated enough spectator to get up that early.

November 18, 2006 4:33 PM


I guess I'm just getting old and curmudgeonly. I remember when Christmas accoutrements appeared only after Thanksgiving. Now, it's happening just after Halloween. If the trend continues, Labor Day will mark the start of Christmas caroling. I find it very, very weird and disconcerting.