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The Play Area

Giant rooster shadow

I drove up to the Suisun Valley today to shop at farm stands and unknown wineries. In the last couple months I've been exploring parts of the Bay Area I've never been to, since I have the time, and since I could never drag Dave to most of these places on a weekend. I mean, Fremont? Martinez? Not exactly go-to destinations. But interesting to me anyway.

I have had excellent Afghan food in Fremont (the real reason I drove there) and picked through antique shops in Niles, where Charlie Chaplin made several films. In Sunol I saw the Water Temple (from a distance, because I got there 15 minutes after it closed). In Martinez I visited the waterfront which I had only ever seen from a very high bridge that crosses over it. I found my way to Pleasant Hill and admired the north side of Mt. Diablo in the sunset, a stunning vista from any angle.

I've figured out how to get from South San Francisco to Pacifica without using Highway 1, and then back a different way.

Today I found a giant rooster and bought limes for ten cents each.

Any suggestions for places to visit within an hour's drive?

November 29, 2006 9:25 PM


Perhaps you can check out this website for suggestions: http://www.agilitynut.com/roadside.html

And if you're going to take pictures of giant roosters or any other roadside treasures you find in your travels, send them on to this woman for her website, I'm sure she'd love it.

An hour from where?
Have you been Albany Bulb. This site: http://www.acme.com/jef/photos/bulb.html has old photos of the art, a lot has changed. I have some photos on my flicker account - link on my blog.