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San Francisco is known for absurdity

Embarcadero Center holiday ice rink

...But I think this is the craziest thing in the city.

An outdoor ice-skating rink. It is open from November until right after New Year's. The average temperature at that time hovers around 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

They park a giant truck next to the Embarcadero Center fountain to power the cooling coils that freeze the water that makes the ice. Which I am sure is contributing to the hole in the ozone layer right now, as I type.

But! We get to skate on ice, outdoors, under the palm trees.

Embarcadero Center holiday ice rink

November 20, 2006 10:23 PM


You know, that rink always makes me smile.

nathan and i checked out the huge cooling coils all frozen and stuff - like a HUGE refrigerator... fabulous stuff. are you up for a skate? you know i used to take skating lessons as a kid... i can twirl and skate backwards... but falling still hurts!