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Someone stop me


What's better than grape jelly?* Jelly made from wine. Zinfandel jelly. It actually tastes quite a bit like the pomegranate stuff my mom has made every November since time began. With a wee alcoholic kick.

On my dining room table:
- 14 jars of pumpkin butter
- 7 jars of mango chutney
- 5 jars of red wine jelly
- 6 jars of tamarind chutney
- 4 jars of pomegranate syrup

In a typically overambitious moment, I decided to make the tamarind chutney and the pomegranate syrup at the same time. Juicing pomegranates creates a mess like a blood-spattered abattoir, and a slab of tamarind pulp soaking in warm water looks exactly like a bowl of raw sewage. Use your imagination to place both of these scenes in my white kitchen sink.

You should have heard my mom flip out when she saw the precious labels I made for the jars. She had total label envy. My friends will not be surprised to hear that making the labels was half the fun for me. I get my crafty fix via Quark XPress.

As soon as I can find some blood oranges, I'm going to make marmalade. Then that's IT, I swear. No more canning. For a few months, at least.

Jars Pumpkin butter

*OK, just about anything is better than grape jelly. Ick.

November 6, 2006 10:50 AM


Um, I'm having label envy. My god. And I'm also envying your (obvious) mad skillz at making wine jellies. Yum-o!!

Dan came *this close* to buying a jar of Smucker's Goober Grape (this is the jar with peanut butter AND jelly, in the same container, in alternating stripes) the other day. Thankfully he read the ingredients and decided against it. He only wanted it because it said Goober on it...

OMG - I have 'jars of plentiful goodness' envy! YUM - hope I get to share some of your canned goodness sometime in the near future? perhaps while watching IMMoo?

I came across your blog through the NaBloPoMo Randomizer, and now I'm having label envy. Very pretty jars!

Just enjoying your blog and wanted to say hi. =)

those are the coolest labels

can cook and design funky labels
I'm impressed

how you have time with this nablopomo thing is beyond me :)

Oh my lovely! I don't even have anything to label and I have label envy. Your jars are beautiful, but I'm more interested in what in them.

Pumkin butter on good toasted bread. Tamarind chutney with porkloin maybe? Pomegranate syrup on fresh fruit with creme anglais or sorbet? Zin wine jelly on PB?


wow! you are totally out of control - and i am ENVIOUS!! forget working. sheesh! i think you found your calling!

[ps. spent the day in the kitchen making the full-on indian fare from our cooking class. brought it over to my big bro's new house for dinner...something incredibly satisfying about making good food.]