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Stanyan Street

Stanyan Street

The upside of living at the top of a big hill is views like this one. The downside is getting up the hill once, twice, three times a day on foot or two wheels. The photo doesn't really do justice to the grade -- the last block leading to where I took this photo is close to a 20% incline.

It has now been a week since my PowerBook crashed. Anyone who emailed me important information last Sunday or Mondayish, I am not ignoring you, I just lost your email (I hope temporarily) (this means you, Deb). I am still wrestling with the directory-damage monkeys in my machine, and I hope to get it working again in the next couple of days. The reason it's taking so long is that I DON'T HAVE A BACKUP. Please, don't be me: back up your important stuff. Photos, recipes, email, personal documents, these are the things I'm trying to salvage. (Luckily all the music files are on another drive. But I need to back those up, too.)

But at least my data is still here -- what if someone had simply stolen the computer? It would all be long gone.

So go, now, to frys.com or Amazon and buy yourself a nice big hard drive -- plenty are on sale for the holidays. And back that data up. Consider this advice your holiday gift from me.

November 27, 2006 2:11 PM


Great advice!!!

Don bought a huge portable hard drive that we have been using until recently. Unfortunately the latest itunes update (we think) has rendered our hard drive un-readable. He is still too angry and frustrated to attempt to fix it. So until the anger subsides, we are back to the CD method for back-ups.

Good luck and hang in there!

ah - independent of this entry, I too visited Fry's and bought a huge external drive as my computer must have the same problem - actually it's a viral/spyware problem I think - so before mine actually crashes.. i bought the drive to place music, photos and other important stuff - I am SO unhappy about this - i have to wipe it clean and start a-new... so sorry about the problem - damn technology!