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Frost report


Book report: The Trader Joe's Adventure. This was the most boring book I've read in recent memory. The author managed to take a potentially interesting subject and make it really, really dull by beating a few key points into the ground over and over again. What I learned about Trader Joe's could have been summed up in four pages. Which is a shame, because I love TJ's, I shop there weekly, and I was excited to learn more about it. Should have read the Amazon reviews before spending my money.

Health report: Still sick. Six days of antibiotics so far and I'm no better than before.

Weather report: Still freaking cold.

Lab report: Have you ever had homemade ginger ale? It's excellent!

TPS report: Don't forget to back up your computers. I know I sound like a broken record, but consider this my holiday message of peace and good will. A nice big external drive would make a lovely holiday gift.

December 19, 2006 4:35 PM


ummm yeah - i'm gonna need those tps reports... so sorry you're still sick! grrrr. today was my parents 36th wedding anniversary - one thing to be happy about! yay for anniversaries!

Howdy. I've been reading since NaBloPoMo - but I thought I'd ask you this: Is there any way to make your images show up in your RSS feed? I use Bloglines to read everything quickly each morning and I have to click through to your site to see the image, entirely defeating the purpose.

Just a thought. :)

Adam, I've been using bloglines, too, but the images have come through fine for me -- maybe it's the way the subscription is set up?

ps - actual comment content: Does that mean that you made the ginger ale or that someone else did?