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Shiver and snort


The bar on our thermostat that indicates the actual temperature in our apartment is hovering precariously close to "off." It's about 53 degrees inside, and it's colder outside here in San Francisco than it was in Chicago all weekend.

Dave and I are both sick now. We are bundled up in layers of fleece, clutching hot beverages and producing a constant chorus of nose blows. I have discovered the wonder of the neti pot for cleaning the gunk out of my sinuses.

Sounds like a real party, no?

December 18, 2006 10:08 AM


I have been known to use a turkey baster. Gross but effective. Get well to both of you.

So sorry you're sick again. Hope you both feel better and for goodness sakes turn up the heat. The Neti Pot looks gross but I think I'll give that a try next time I get a sinus infenction if it does indeed work.

Our house was 45 degrees this morning. Go go electric mattress cover.

The question is, do you Neti Pot together? I've finally gotten comfortable enough to Neti Pot with the door open. Big step. :)

I do hope you are getting better. Being sick sucks.