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Anyone for a swim?

Aquatic Park

This is Aquatic Park. The water is currently 47 degrees Fahrenheit, or so I'm told. I have been known to swim here when it's warmer (60 degrees, which is still brain-numbing). On this beautiful day it almost looked good enough to jump right in.

I got some interesting news today. My entire team at my old company, the technology group that included me, was laid off today.

I worked there for eight years. For the last few years I kept telling myself, in the words of a friend, "Ride the horse 'til it bucks you off." I assumed I'd get laid off eventually. And then I decided I just needed a change, so I quit.

So of course I'm sitting here wondering if I wish I'd stuck it out for three more months so I could at least have gotten the severance package... or if I was just prescient enough to know it was coming and it was time to leave. That's not really all that interesting or productive to think about, but I can't keep those thoughts out of my head.

I went back for a visit around the holidays and it was kind of comforting to see everyone and know they were all there, doing the same things, cracking the same jokes. It makes me a little sad to know that that place with those people will cease to exist. But I suppose that's life.

January 23, 2007 1:00 PM