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This must be where pies go when they die

I got an alert email from Amazon this morning telling me that the second season of Twin Peaks is available for pre-order. I signed up for the alert years ago. It's amazing that this seemingly forgotten TV show finally will be (almost*) complete on DVD.

Once I got over my initial surprise and excitement, I looked closely at the details and was even more shocked to see that this DVD set is the #1 seller in Amazon's DVD category. It's still pre-order only; it won't ship until April. Either Twin Peaks has an even bigger cult following than I knew, or the DVD rating system is so splintered that it only takes a small number of sales to propel something to the top of the list. The latter doesn't seem too unlikely, since #4 at the moment, The Secret**, isn't even available from Amazon directly; it's only sold by marketplace sellers.

Any Twin Peaks fans out there?

(I hope this will be the last time I blog about television because, honestly, I don't usually find TV that interesting. But Twin Peaks wasn't really a TV show... it was a parallel universe that we were able to glimpse, briefly, through the box in the living room.)

*The first season has been out for a while, but the pilot still is not officially available in the States on DVD.

**Not as mysterious as it sounds.

January 3, 2007 10:56 AM


I HEART twin peaks! and have seen all the episodes at some point in my college life - however, I dont really remember them all! Happy Wednesday.

Well, you probably know (though maybe have forgotten?) that I still have never seen a single episode of Twin Peaks. I did just see his new 3 1/2 hour movie, though....

I LOVE Twin Peaks. I've got almost every episode on VHS but I'm missing a few from the last couple of seasons and some are out of order. It would be great to have it all on DVD, in order.

The fact that the pilot isn't on DVD sets me off. Daniel tried to watch the first season that i have on DVD and he couldn't even do it because without the pilot, you can't figure out what is going on. So annoying. I felt like the second season was a disappointment.