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You won't find any hyperbole here

An update on my rats-and-fever post of a couple days ago: Despite my usual powers of exaggeration, things are actually worse than I expected. Well, OK, I don't have bubonic plague; it's probably just the flu (although I did spend a lot of time comparing my symptoms to the list in the Wikipedia entry on malaria*). I have had fevers, chills and aches on and off for several days; I've gone through boxes of kleenex; I'm popping Tylenol like candy; I'm waking up either shivering or drenched in sweat.

All day yesterday I willed myself to get better, thinking I would be well enough today to help lead a club bike ride I'd signed up for. But at 8pm last night my temperature surged back to 101, and I frantically called around looking for a sub so my co-leader wouldn't be stranded. (Thank you, Jess.)

And then the little rat problem is not such a little problem anymore. Our landlord came over to assess the situation in the garage, and we found that our furnace is COVERED in rat droppings. I cannot express how much I am grossed out by this. Luckily, there's still no evidence inside our apartment (and I am looking, oh, I am looking). Also, our bikes are safe, being on the opposite side of the garage (I knew you were worried). The buggers apparently came in during the recent cold snap looking for heat. With any luck this means they'll leave now that it has warmed up. But the landlord put out poison just for good measure.

I am sitting on the couch, looking at gorgeous blue skies outside, and thinking I want to go back to bed. How pathetic is that?

* I tried to donate blood last week and was told that my trip to Mexico in December means I'm deferred for a year because I was in a malarial risk area. Huh.

February 17, 2007 10:37 AM


Hope you feel better soon. Seems like you've had more than your fair share of illnesses lately.

Think I'll have to download UB40's 'Rat in the Kitchen' now that you've got it stuck in my head.

Feel better!!!

[and the first time I tried to give blood I was rejected because I'd been to Israel, a country they told me qualified as "3rd world" if I remember correctly.]